Supporting me

So you want to support me?  Great!  

One way you can support me is to spread the news so others book me.  Share this website address, or my other links  and YouTube channel (links at the bottom of the page).  This is most important.

Come along, and be part of the audience whenever I am performing (see my 'upcoming' page).

Follow me on Mastodon:

You can book me yourself, for a small or large event, private party or some special occasion.  Contact me through the contact form here, or you can book me using the booking sites linked below.

Gig booking sites:

Financial support:

Although I don't heavily plug this, if you want to, another way is financial support:

Small one-off donations can be made anytime.  Cash is welcome if you see me busking (that way I get to keep 100%, minus the taxman's interest, of course).  Otherwise, you can use one of the links below.  For Paypal, please use the 'friends and family' option for donations, as you aren't getting a service or item, or it will cost me (and possibly you). gives you the option of paying the small fee so I get 100%.  Small donations will be used for such basics as strings and other minor equipment, or for building up instrument/equipment replacement funds.  Or you can use Stripe if you can't use one of the others.  (all for flexibility, me!)

But, it would be nice to get some more longer-term support. Patreon is the standard way of doing this - you can start and stop when you want, but the site automates it until you cancel.  Use the Patreon link below.

Regular supporters will get access to special Vimeo videoes occasionally, and other things like chord/lyric sheets for some of the songs I do.

Every supporter is most appreciated.  There is free access to my songbook with chord/lyric sheets for well over 500 (at the moment) songs.  I don't charge for this, despite the work I have done, as some of the work is copyright to someone else, and by sharing it for private use and research, I am being fair to them.  Of course, you are free to thank me (should you wish) in any way you want.

Lots of links here, or contact me directly.



Paypal:   (Outside the UK, you may need to use )



Thank you.

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